

Nirmal Mahadeo (Appellant) v Candice Mahadeo (Respondent) (Trinidad and Tobago)

Case summary

Case ID




Nirmal Mahadeo


Candice Mahadeo


(1) Was the agreement for the sale of an interest in land binding and enforceable? (2) Following that determination, what is the appropriate relief?


The Appellant, Nirmal Mahadeo, and the Respondent, Candice Mahadeo, are siblings and joint owners of a parcel of land located in Barataria (the “Property”) that they inherited from their deceased father. The Appellant has rented the front building of the Property to the operators of a bar and he has collected rent for his sole use and benefit. The Appellant has used the back building of the Property as his residence. After their father’s death, the Appellant remained in exclusive occupation of the Property and refused access to the Respondent. The Respondent offered to sell her one-third interest in the Property to the Appellant for $500,000. However, she received no response. The Respondent therefore brought a claim in the High Court for (i) an order that the Property either be partitioned in three equal shares, or sold with the proceeds distributed among the joint owners, (ii) a one-third share of all rents received from the Property, and (iii) a mandatory injunction requiring the Appellant to allow the Respondent access to the Property.

Date of issue

6 February 2023


Hearing dates and panels are subject to change


Hearing dates

Full hearing

Start date

22 January 2025

End date

31 January 2025

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